Thursday, January 29, 2009

Here I am again

So I had this great idea of blogging from Lima Peru, and all over the world, well there is something to say for Wireless and Laptops and Wi-Fi, etc..... Every time I had something brilliant to write about, NO CONNECTION, well ok maybe it was not brilliant, but it was my voice, I couldn't connect.So folks, please help me to keep my voice going. I want to think I have something to say, something deep or funny, or just a bit of FYI stuff. I am getting very involved with my GLBT Union Committees. I am joining the NYV Pride Agenda, and the Pride at Work Organization, there thing is "PAW" maybe that is why I am really joining, isn't that about the cutest thing, a little PAW, but we have a big roar, and we are not fighting for Equal Rights, we are going to get Equal Rights, I may be shy, and quiet, but get me riled and I'll join anything and everything.
I want to get married, and unlike so many, I found the right person, we are already together, but OOPS, my Govt. says I can't, I may ruin the blessed institution of Marriage. Oh well, the str8's haven't exactly set the best example, could we do worse? I by no way mean all heterosexual people, I just mean those Holy Roller Christians who know best, like Rush the druggie, Ted the I just can't stay away from the boys and so many others. But that is for another time or writing.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Writing from another America

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE !! I hope you all have a happy and healthy new year, may all your dreams come true, well alright, may a few dreams come true, OK how about ONE dream or small wish come true. I am going to South America and I am taking my Laptop, I do not know how to use a Laptop, but I will try. Now my good friend HellsKitch won't be nearby to talk me down and show me how to do this. He was such a huge part of me finding Niall's Voice. Forever in his debt. Once it got going, it hasn't been quiet too often. That is good. So I travel a lot and so many times I want to share what I am going through, like when Rafael has this NYC born and bred boy from the Bronx, who didn't climb a hill growing up, let alone a mountain, he has me trying to walk up or down mountains, actually I climb much up better than I walk down, but I walk, slide, sit, do what it takes to get back to land, I just keep looking down and think it is either go slow and careful, or just DROP to the bottom. How come I don't ever know these things in advance, or do I ignore the signs and the airline tickets. To be honest, meeting Rafael has been the best adventure of my life. When I met him I thought, oh let me, the world traveler, I had only been to Ireland, well I will take him to Ireland, we went, got on a tour bus in Dublin and were off, now let me say off the bus is not what we did, I pointed out to him all the must sees, BUT stayed on the bus, we went to Trinity College, and I told him "inside there is a Book of Kells, very famous something or other, but we'll look some other time. I did stop to take pictures of the Molly Malone Bronze statue, and sang to him as well." I thought, look at me, I am showing him the world. When my cousin Marybeth and Mike came with us the next year(s) she showed him all the things, she made us GET OFF THE BUS. See, little did I know that Rafael was already a world traveler, who spoke about 5 languages, moved to countries for periods of time. Yet he just amused me and let me think I was just about as cool as could be. P.S. Molly Malone was the only thing I really allowed us to get off the bus for. We passed the Goalmahne Jail (spelling ?) , I did point it out, not off the bus, the Wicklow Mountains, stay on the bus please, then we stopped at the place where they certified you an alcoholic, figured I got off there, plus the driver made us. Then we went too the Cliffs of Moher, where the sites were beautiful, there is no fence on the Cliffs, but I showed Rafael a short cut, well I started slowly, then I was running, for those who know me, I am not a runner, but I was running/sliding right towards the edge of the Cliffs, I turned around and saw Rafael, my new partner and 2 older Irish-Americans staring at me, they thought for sure I was going off the Cliffs, for sure, perhaps I would. All Niall was concerned about was, "when I am flying through the air, to my certain death, thousands of feet into the Atlantic, would I look stupid?" God forbid, I wanted to at least fall graciously, with dignity. Well as you all know I did not fall off the Cliffs of Moher, but Rafael barely lets me get close to the curb of NYC sidewalks. Then he forgets for a week or two and gets me climbing a mountain, or fishing for pirhana in the Amazon Rain Forest, walking in mud, where my footing is non-existent and laughable, and I finally inquire, when is it going to stop raining, why do they give us rain coats every day, OH the RAIN FOREST, hehehehe. See when you put your voice on this little thing called the internet, and you share your voice and writings, you need to be prepared to share it all. See vacations are great, Niall is not too often graceful, but I am grateful, hopefully most of the time. Well I hope to write from Peru, now if you don't hear from me, pray for me. I need it. I just want to share because some people think my travels are so sophisticated, for those who know me, they are fun, exciting, great, leisurely, wild, educational, but Niall from Tolentine, Fordham Road in the Bronx, NEVER sophisticated. Life is good and I am going to write about it.