Thursday, December 18, 2008

Caroline Kennedy

Caroline Kennedy? Not so sure yet. She wants to be a United States Senator.Not to be outdone by the other Dem dynasty, Caroline Kennedy managed to seem a believable choice for Hillary Clinton's Senate seat. "I come at this as a mother, as a lawyer, as an author as an education advocate and from a family that really has spent generations in public service," she said. Rehearsed? Seemed so. She said no one could afford to sit out this time in history, and that she would "love to take the skills and the relationships I have to Washington."What are those skills? Not sure. The Daily Beast has a good list of other under-qualified yet successful Senators. They are Bill Bradley (basketball), Ted Kennedy (bootlegger money), James Buckley (trust funder), Bill Frist (doctor), Orrin Hatch (white-shingle lawyer), John Edwards (trial lawyer), Herb Kohl (sports franchise dude), Jon Corzine (Goldman Sachs), Robert Bennett (religion), and Hillary Clinton (first lady).

1 comment:

Queers United said...

I am not sold on her either, but she did come out for marriage equality which is good.